
Wednesday, 13 June 2012

New work sold

I am very pleased to have sold this painting.

It is a bit of a departure for me in terms of colour and style. I have always loved artists whose work teeters between figurative and non-figurative....I have working on some Monet-esque paintings in the past months and weeks. the painting below is large, 180x150cm.

looking at new ways of working helps to strengthen my ideas and to give fresh insight into all the paintings I undertake. Last week I picked up a book of fabulous work by the Finnish photographer Sandra Kantanen Beautiful work around nature, filled with painterly interpretations of composition and colour.

Tuesday, 12 June 2012

Latest small paintings

Rainy Spring 30x30cm

Dreamscape V 30x30cm

Friday, 1 June 2012

Work in situ

I was able to photograph the triptych I completed last month in situ. The colours act as a real counterpoint to the beautiful wood used in this home.